Game Over: Press Start to Continue
David Sheff

Nintendo was a religion, David Sheff’s Game Over: Press Start
to Continue would likely be it’s holy book. Game Over, in
four hundred and thirty three pages, covers in depth,
history from it’s origins as a cottage based Hanafuda card
in the 1800’s, to the twilight of the Super NES in the mid
Sheff goes to great lengths not just to retell what happened, but to
profile the many individuals behind the game ideas and business tactics
that shaped Nintendo and the industry as a whole. Though the point of
view comes off as biased at times, the book doesn’t shy away
the questionable practices Nintendo used in the 80’s and
90’s to dominate the console race.
The book makes the history of Nintendo as engaging and entertaining as
the games themselves, with many chapters reading almost like those of a
spy novel.
Even if you’ve seen documentaries on Nintendo and gaming
on cable or have read about Nintendo’s early days on the
internet, you’ll likely read at least a few new stories and
details in each of Game Over’s sixteen chapters, and even for
those who are convinced you’ve heard it all elsewhere, Game
is just so well written and entertaining you won’t mind
it all over again.
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