Thomas and Friends - The Awdry Episodes

The children's television series
Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends, now known simply as
Thomas and Friends, began in 1984 as an adaptation of
The Railway Series books which were written and published by Reverend Wilbert Awdry and his son Christopher Awdry between 1945 and 2011, when the series was concluded. Information about the books and characters of
The Railway Series can be found at
The Real Lives of Thomas the Tank Engine.

It was decided after the fourth season of the television series to abandon the
Railway Series source material and instead create original stories, leaving more than 70 of the original Awdry stories, and fifteen entire
Railway Series volumes untelevised since the mid 90's. This left parents and children not familiar with
The Railway Series confused, as the manufacturers of Thomas merchandise have marketed many toys of characters which were featured only in the books.
Below is a listing of
Railway Series stories that were adapted for television during seasons one through four of
Thomas and Friends, along with a listing of original stories written for TV or adapted from
Railway Series spinoffs.
Episode numbering is based on the
TV.Com Thomas & Friends Episode List.
UPDATE (6/25/17):
It has to my total surprise and immense delight come to my attention that in the 20th season of the Thomas & Friends TV show the creators of the show have adapted three of the episodes featured in the 1967 Rev. W. Awdry penned book "Small Railway Engines", finally closing the 22 year gap in which not a single story written by Rev. Awdry or his son had been adapted.
I hope that this is the beginning of more Awdry sourced material being featured in each coming season, sprinkled in along with the modern stories written specifically for TV.
GREEN: Adapted for television
RED: Not Adapted for television
No. 1 The Three Railway Engines
(1)Edward’s Day Out (Partially merged into Episode 2)
(2) Edward and Gordon (Episode 2)
(3)The Sad Story of Henry (Episode 3)
(4) Edward, Gordon and Henry (Episode 4)
No. 2 Thomas the Tank Engine
(5) Thomas and Gordon (Episode 1)
(6) Thomas’ Train (Episode 5)
(7) Thomas and the Trucks (Episode 6)
(8) Thomas and the Breakdown Train (Episode 7)
No. 3 James the Red Engine
(9) James and the Top Hat (Merged into Episode 8)
(10) James and the Bootlace (Merged into Episode 8)
(11) Troublesome Trucks (Episode 9)
(12) James and the Express (Episode 10)
No. 4 Tank Engine Thomas Again
(13) Thomas and the Guard (Episode 11)
(14) Thomas Goes Fishing (Episode 12)
(15) Thomas, Terence and the Snow (Episode 13)
(16) Thomas and Bertie (Episode 14)
No. 5 Troublesome Engines
(17) Henry and the Elephant (Episode 97)
(18) Tenders and Turntables (Episode 15)
(19) Trouble in the Shed (Episode 16)
(20) Percy Runs Away (Episode 17)
No. 6 Henry the Green Engine
(21) Coal (Episode 18)
(22) The Flying Kipper (Episode 19)
(23) Gordon’s Whistle (Merged into Episode 20)
(24) Percy and the Trousers (Episode 53)
(25) Henry’s Sneeze (Merged into Episode 20)
No. 7 Toby the Tram Engine
(26) Toby and the Stout Gentleman (Episode 21)
(27) Thomas in Trouble (Episode 22)
(28) Dirty Objects (Episode 23)
(29) Mrs Kyndley’s Christmas (Referenced in Episode 26)
No. 8 Gordon the Big Engine
(30) Off the Rails (Episode 24)
(31) Leaves (Episode 62)
(32) Down the Mine (Episode 25)
(33) Paint Pots and Queens (Episode 101)
No. 9 Edward the Blue Engine
(34) Cows! (Episode 28)
(35) Bertie’s Chase (Episode 29)
(36) Saved from Scrap (Episode 30)
(37) Old Iron (Episode 31)
No. 10 Four Little Engines
(38) Skarloey Remembers (Partially merged into Episode 83)
(39) Sir Handel (Episode 84)
(40) Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady (Episode 85)
(41) Old Faithful (Merged Into Episode 83)
No. 11 Percy the Small Engine
(42) Percy and the Signal (Episode 33)
(43) Duck Takes Charge (Episode 34)
(44) Percy and Harold (Episode 35)
(45) Percy’s Promise (Episode 54)
No. 12 The Eight Famous Engines
(46) Percy Takes the Plunge (Episode 37)
(47) Gordon Goes Foreign
(48) Double Header (Episode 55)
(49) The Fat Controller’s Engines (Episode 100)
No. 13 Duck and the Diesel Engine
(50) Domeless Engines (Episode 56)
(51) Pop Goes the Diesel (Episode 38)
(52) Dirty Work (Episode 39)
(53) A Close Shave (Episode 40)
No. 14 The Little Old Engine
(54) Trucks (Episode 86)
(55) Home at Last (Episode 87)
(56) Rock ‘n’ Roll (Episode 88)
(57) Little Old Twins
No. 15 The Twin Engines
(58) ”Hullo Twins”
(59) The Missing Coach
(60) Break Van (Episdoe 42)
(61) The Deputation (Episode 43)
No. 16 Branch Line Engines
(62) Thomas Comes to Breakfast (Episode 44)
(63) Daisy (Episode 45)
(64) Bulls’ Eyes (Episode 99)
(65) Percy’s Predicament (Episode 46)
No. 17 Gallant Old Engine
(66) Special Funnel (Episode 89)
(67) Steamroller (Episode 90)
(68) Passengers and Polish (Episode 91)
(69) Gallant Old Engine (Episode 92)
No. 18 Stepney the “Bluebell” Engine
(70) Bluebells of England (Replaced by Episode 93)
(71) Stepney’s Special (Episode 94)
(72) Train Stops Play (Episode 95)
(73) Bowled Out (Episode 96)
No. 19 Mountain Engines
(74) Mountain Engine
(75) Bad Look-out
(76) Danger Points
(77) Devil’s Back
No. 20 Very Old Engines
(78) Crosspatch
(79) Bucking Bronco
(80) Stick-in-the-Mud
(81) Duck and Dukes
No. 21 Main Line Engines
(82) The Dieseasel (Episode 47)
(83) Buzz Buzz (Episode 69)
(84) Wrong Road (Episode 48
(85) Edward’s Exploit (Episode 49)
No. 22 Small Railway Engines
(86) Ballast (Elements of this story were incorporated into the movie/special "Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure")
(87) Tit for Tat (Season 20, Episode 18)
(88) Mike's Whistle (Season 20, Episode 19)
(89) Useful Railway (Season 21, Episode 20)
No. 23 Enterprising Engines
(90) Tenders for Henry (Episode 72)
(91) Super Rescue
(92) Escape (Episode 73)
(93) Little Western
No. 24 Oliver the Western Engine
(94) Donald’s Duck (Episode 57)
(95) Resource and Sagacity (Episode 74)
(96) Toad Stands By (Episode 98)
(97) Bulgy (Episode 75)
No. 25 Duke the Lost Engine
(98) Granpuff (Episode 79)
(99) Bulldog (Episode 81)
(100) You Can’t Win! (Episode 82)
(101) Sleeping Beauty (Episode 80)
No. 26 Tramway Engines
(102) Ghost Train (Episode 50)
(103) Woolly Bear (Episode 51)
(104) Mavis (Episode 66)
(105) Toby’s Tightrope (Episode 67)
No. 27 Really Useful Engines
(106) Stop Thief!
(107) Mind That Bike (Episode 104)
(108) Fish (Episode 102)
(109) Triple Header
No. 28 James and the Diesel Engines
(110) Old Stuck-Up
(111) Crossed Lines
(112) Fire Engine
(113) Deep Freeze
No. 29 Great Little Engines
(114) Patience is a Virtue
(115) Peter Sam and the Prickly Problem
(116) Pop Special
(117) Sir Handel Comes Home
No. 30 More About Thomas the Tank Engine
(118) Thomas, Percy and the Coal (Episode 27)
(119) The Runaway (Episode 36)
(120) Better Late than Never (Episode 41)
(121) Drip Tank
No. 31 Gordon the High Speed Engine
(122) High-Speed Gordon
(123) Smokescreen
(124) Fire Escape
(125) Gordon Proves His Point
No. 32 Toby, Trucks and Trouble
(126) Mavis and the Lorry
(127) Toby’s Seaside Holiday (Partially merged into Episode 103)
(128) Bulstrode (Merged into Episode 103)
(129) Toby Takes the Road
No. 33 Thomas and the Twins
(130) Scrambled Eggs
(131) What a Picture!
(132) Trevor Helps Out
(133) Down the Drain
No. 34 Jock the New Engine
(134) We Need Another Engine
(135) Sticking Power
(136) Jock
(137) Teamwork
No. 35 Thomas and the Great Railway Show
(138) Museum Piece
(139) Not the Ticket
(140) Trouble on the Line
(141) Thomas and the Railtour
No. 36 Thomas Comes Home
(142) Snow Problem
(143) Washout!
(144) Toby’s Megatrain
(145) Thomas Comes Home
No. 37 Henry and the Express
(146) Out of Puff
(147) Overhaul
(148) Sliding Scales
(149) Henry Sees Red
No. 38 Wilbert the Forest Engine
(150) Percy’s Porridge
(151) Cab Over Wheels
(152) Foaming at the Funnel
(153) Wired Up
No. 39 Thomas and the Fat Controller’s Engines
(154) Birdstrike
(155) Edward and the Cabbages
(156) Rabbits
(157) Golden Jubilee
No. 40 New Little Engine
(158) Speedkiller
(159) Sir Handel’s Plan
(160) Dirty Water
(161) I Name This Engine…
No. 41 Thomas and Victoria
(162) Overloaded
(163) Avalanche
(164) Eels on Wheels
(165) Toby's Vintage Train
No. 42 Thomas and His Friends
(162) Thomas and the Swan
(163) Buffer Bashing
(164) Gordon's Fire Service
(165) Centenary
Original TV Series stories and stories adapted from Railway Series spinoffs:
26. Thomas’s Christmas Party
32. "Thomas and Trevor (A New Friend For Thomas)" (Written by Christopher Awdry)
52. "Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree" (Written by Christopher Awdry)
58. "Thomas Gets Bumped"
59. "Thomas, Percy and the Dragon"
60. "Diesel Does it Again"
61. "Henry's Forest"
63. "No Joke for James"
64. "Thomas, Percy and the Post Train (Thomas, Percy And The Mail Train)”
65. "Trust Thomas"
68. "Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party"
70. "All at Sea"
71. "One Good Turn"
76. ”Heroes"
77. "Percy, James and the Fruitful Day"
78. "Thomas and Percy's Christmas Adventure (Thomas And Percy's Mountain Adventure)"
93. "Rusty to the Rescue" (this episode replaced the story "Bluebells of England", which told the real-life history of
Stepney and the
Bluebell Railway, with an entirely fictional story in which Rusty helps Stepney escape from a scrap yard.)
52 Unadapted North Western Railway Stories
13 Unadapted Skarloey Railway Stories
5 Unadapted Arlesdale Railway Stories
4 Unadapted Mountain Railway Stories
74 Total Unadapted Railway Series Stories

Last updated June of 2017.
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