Observation and Setting in Far from the Madding Crowd
Thomas Hardy’s novel
Far from the Madding Crowd
became the author’s first commercial success when it was
published in serial format in 1874. This book was also the first of
what would be known as the “Wessex Novels”, which
featured unique plots and characters, but shared a common setting in a
fictional country in the South-East of England called Wessex. Hardy, in
the preface to
Far from the Madding Crowd,
explained that his fictional, Victorian Wessex was loosely inspired by
a historical kingdom of the same name which was dissolved following the
Norman Invasion (Madding Crowd, Preface).
Hardy’s use of a fictional country as the setting for
Far from the Madding Crowd
may to today’s readers seem a strange one. Fictional countries
and alternate histories are most often featured in children’s
literature and science fiction, such as the Island of Sodor near the
Cumbrian coast in Wilbert Awdry’s
The Railway Series, or the “Brytain” of Philip Pullman’s
His Dark Materials, which was a Catholic theocracy rife with supernatural and steampunk elements.
Yet there is nothing slightly fantastic about Hardy’s Wessex,
neither in the days of their release, nor to modern readers. Hardy,
within the story itself, makes no distinction through narration or
footnote that Wessex is an imagined country, and non-British readers,
without contextual clues and references familiar only to locals, might
accept the existence of a modern day Wessex without question and be
surprised to find that it exists only at the end of Hardy’s pen.
The inclusion of a detailed Wessex map in later publications complete
with esoterically renamed towns and villages corresponding perfectly
with “real” ones adds to this realism and potential
The success of
Far from the Madding Crowd
and the works that followed it gave a modern context to a period and
region which by the 19th Century was mentioned only in history books,
as Hardy mentions in his
Preface to Far from the Madding Crowd,
“...until the existence this contemporaneous Wessex was announced
in the present story, in 1874, it had never been heard of...”
(The Collected Letters of Thomas Hardy 171)
In the
Preface to Far from the Madding Crowd
and in other sources such as letters to his publisher, Hardy emphasizes
the modernity of his imaginary Wessex, calling it “a modern
Wessex of railways, the penny post, mowing and reaping machines, union
workhouses, lucifer matches, laborers who could read and write, and
National school children.”, yet, the actual story seems to place
value on pastoral visuals and romanticizes rustics such as Gabriel Oak
and his fellow farmers. Chapter XXII describes in detail the sheep
shearing ritual. Far from a modernized operation, the equipment used,
and the building in which the shearing performed, had gone unchanged
for centuries, the narrator calling the scene “ picture of to-day
in its frame of four hundred years ago” (Madding Crowd 144) and
using this to discuss the role and nature of time and how people
perceive it.
The only mention of a railroad (perhaps the highest development of the
day) in the novel is to illustrate Boldwood’s lack of
understanding of his own relationship with Bathsheba by comparing him
and Bathsheba to a reaper observing a passing train in Chapter XVII,
“...as something foreign to his element, and but dimly
understood.” (Madding Crowd 118) The one time the poor house,
though perhaps a desirable improvement over a lifestyle of begging,
appears, is as a place for the forlorn Fanny to die in. The modernity
Hardy seems to laud as the crux of his setting is, in the story for
which Wessex was invented, representative only of alienation and death,
while the rural ancient traditions are the ways of fruitfulness and
Additionally, as Keith Wilson points out in his essay
“Hardy’s Vision of Wessex”, the term
“Wessex” only appears in the text of the original
serialized version once and is easily overlooked. Why then did Hardy
bother with the added complexity of a purpose-built setting? Though
perhaps not at the outset, at some point once
Far from the Madding Crowd
and the stories that followed it gained notoriety, Hardy viewed his
fictional Wessex as a marketable asset of his works, saying in a letter
to his publisher “Could you, whenever advertising my books, use
the words "Wessex novels" at the head of the list?... ...I find that
the name… ...is getting to be taken up everywhere…”
(The Collected Letters of Thomas Hardy)
That Hardy was concerned with preserving his right to market the name
“Wessex” shows that he recognized the unique identity his
setting endowed his stories with. Though he may not have anticipated
it, Hardy’s Victorian Wessex is of tremendous benefit to
Far from the Madding Crowd,
a story that romanticizes the rustic and ancient, by assigning it a
self-defining, all inclusive setting which Hardy keeps complete control
and ownership, even from beyond the grave.
Mention of C.S. Lewis’ land of Narnia will always conjure images of magic, witches, and talking beasts; modern readers of
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
need not know or care about the World War II air raids on London that
lead the Pevensie to discover Narnia in the first place. Similarly,
Wilbert Awdry’s
The Railway Series
books, set on the fictional Island of Sodor, could comfortably ignore
the gradual modernization taking place on mainland Britain and
continued to feature steam engines.
At the time of its first publication, Hardy’s
Far from the Madding Crowd
encapsulated a piece of British culture that was rapidly vanishing to
mechanization, urbanization, and industrialization. The setting of a
fictional (though historically plausible) Wessex provides an instant,
ready-to-serve backdrop that has helped preserve Hardy’s own
vision of his settings and characters. Wessex makes
Far From the Madding Crowd
immune to follies such as references to towns which have since changed
their names, streets which no longer exist, or other period touches
which would mark the book as being antiquated to today’s readers.
Modern readers need not “turn back the clock” of
today’s Britain to discover Wessex. The permanence and
stability Hardy gave to his setting and the overall care in its
construction demonstrate his desire to build up
Far from the Madding Crowd as a story of observation and setting.
The beginning few chapters of
Far from the Madding Crowd seem to star the setting and landscape almost as much as the characters themselves, as Linda Pavlovski observes in
“Narrative, Gender, and Power in Far from the Madding Crowd”
in Volume 153 of Modern Literary Criticism “The "Wessex" setting
is almost a theme in itself... ...It is noteworthy that the most
positively portrayed characters are those closest to the earth, such as
Gabriel and the peasants who work the soil.”
This is apparent early on in the story, when in Chapter II, Hardy
describes Norcombe Hill in vivid detail. The main character, Gabriel
Oak, makes the pastoral scene complete, playing his flute, wearing his
farmers garb and demonstrating an intimate knowledge of his
surroundings on earth and the stars above, which Gabriel is able to
keep time by and even build sun dials, a dying skill in the Victorian
age of inexpensive pocket watches.
As though to draw focus to the scenery and Gabriel’s awareness of
the scenery, Hardy in the narration of Chapter II says, “The
instinctive act of humankind was to stand and listen, and learn how the
trees on the right and the trees on the left wailed or chanted to each
other in the regular antiphonies of a cathedral choir” (Madding
Crowd 14), inviting the reader into becoming as much of an observer of
the world on the page as Gabriel himself.
The narrator in
Far from the Madding Crowd
is not only omniscient, but acts almost as a one man Greek chorus, not
only commenting on the actions and intentions of all the characters in
advance of them happening or being expected by an unknowing reader, but
observing, commenting on, and judging their developments in real time,
an example of this being at the end Chapter XIII when Bathsheba writes
and mails an insincere valentine to Mr. Boldwood asking him to marry
her, “So very idly and unreflectingly was this deed done. Of love
as a spectacle Bathsheba had a fair knowledge; but of love subjectively
she knew nothing.” (Madding Crowd, 98) The narrator’s use
of diagrams to make visual details such as footprints and wagon tracks
explicit, such as in Chapter XXXII, further establishes the narrator as
an intelligent, biased, and self-aware story teller and observer rather
than a selfless mechanic by which the story is told.
As the reader first observes Oak through the narrator as though from a
distance, Gabriel’s first encounter with Bathsheba is also a
distant observation as she rides past Gabriel as a passenger on a
wagon, while she is in turn observing herself through a mirror. Despite
not having met her yet, Oak judges her as being guilty of vanity,
though we are allowed to witness her treatment of the wagon driver and
perhaps have more to assess her character by than Gabriel.
Gabriel’s next experience with Bathsheba is also from afar, when
he sees her, assuming that no one is watching, make unorthodox, though
practical maneuvers on the back of her horse to avoid low hanging
branches as she rides by.
Aside from the setting and all its components, Bathsheba is likely one of the most observed things to be found in
Far from the Madding Crowd.
She is watched from the beginning by Gabriel gawked at curiously at the
corn market as one of the few women present. Watched by Boldwood
figuratively as he waits anxiously for his chance to marry her and
literally at the circus where the description of her seating there
nearly makes seem as though the object of the show itself. Later in the
circus scene, Troy secretly watches Bathsheba through a hole he cuts in
the tent. Even Bathsheba herself is at least partially aware of all the
attention being spent on her, commenting almost prophetically in
Chapter XII after her adventure in the corn market, “...it was as
bad as being married. Eyes everywhere!” (Madding Crowd 93)
At the time of its inception, the fictional setting of
Far from the Madding Crowd
may have been a whim or a gimmick with little impact on the story
itself, and after the books success Wessex was used by Hardy and his
publishers as a marketing tool, but to readers of today, both in
Britain and beyond, Victorian Wessex frames the world of Gabriel Oak
and establishes both setting, our perception of time, and the role of
the observer as central themes of the novel.
Purdy, Millgate, “The Collected Letters of Thomas Hardy:, Purdy
Oxford: Clarendon, 1978
Wilson, Keith “Hardy's Vision of Wessex” English Literature in Transition p.214
New York, 2003
Pavlovski, Linda “Narrative, Gender, and Power in Far from the
Madding Crowd” Volume 153 of Modern Literary Criticism. p.162
Detroit, 1991
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